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The Baseball Federation of Kenya is still under going through the teething problems, in all areas of development. The lack of Baseball equipment is a major issue because the Federation does not have a continuous supply of these much required tools. Training of Coaches, Umpires and Scorers has been a big concern since the Africa Baseball and Softball Association (ABSA) does not have a continental body that takes care of Training aspects. The Federation relies on some individuals who visit Kenya once in a while, to carry out some coaching/umpiring training programs.
The Baseball Federation of Kenya shall develop the game of baseball to all 47 Counties of Kenya in order to achieve a countrywide and National status.
To train Coaches, Umpires and Scorers in all levels throughout the year
To avail adequate Baseball Equipment at all levels
To develop Baseball fields and other Physical facilities at least one in each County
To develop Leadership in all levels for sustainability of baseball Programs
Baseball Federation Of Kenya
Baseball Kenya Mission,Goals & Objectives.
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